Wednesday, August 8, 2012

2012 Olympic crush.

Seriously, how adorable is Nathan Adrian? He is definitely my Olympic crush of 2012. That big smile gets me every time and he's definitely easy on the eyes.

He swam an absolutely amazing race in the 100m freestyle and you could tell that he was legitimately stoked to have won. I love it when athletes get excited. You just won a gold medal! Celebrate!

Then he also swam some great legs in the 4x100 and IM relays. And I also judge my favorite swimmers on whether or not they made an appearance in the Call Me, Maybe video. He has a good part in it, so that gives him bonus points.

He's only 23, so four years isn't too big of an age gap, right?

Dan Patrick did a pretty good interview with him last week. My favorite part is how excited he was watching the clip of Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte's reaction to his win. It won't let me embed, so you can watch the interview here.

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