Saturday, August 11, 2012

Thank you notes.

I've loved Jimmy Fallon since he was on Saturday Night Live. He and Tina Fey were fantastic at the Weekend Update desk. Some people don't like him because he struggles to keep a straight face sometimes, but I think that's what makes him so endearing.

Fallon really came on strong during the whole Conan O'Brien/Jay Leno debacle in the winter of 2010. People wanted to know why NBC wasn't considering sliding O'Brien back to his old time slot and checked out Fallon to see why. They found that Fallon was actually very refreshing and entertaining. He really shines in the different sketches on his show. Anyone seen Downton Sixby?

My favorite is when he writes his thank you notes. In Vancouver, he joined Bob Costas one evening to write his thank you notes for the week. I was dying it was so funny.

NBC clearly remembered how well this went over and sent Fallon to London for round two. And you just thought you'd heard all the Dong Dong jokes.

To watch the London thank you notes, click here.

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